Isaac Chong Wai: Exit! Exit? Exit.

16.09.2023 / 17:00 – 19:00

Performance by Isaac Chong Wai with Katherine Leung, Yannis Mitsos, Imola Nagy, Eva Robayo, Nobutaka Shomura
Curated by Nóra Lukács and Melanie Roumiguière

Using emergency exits as a response to the global phenomenon, the work embodies the imperative need of collective exits. Exit! Exit? Exit. (2023) by Isaac Chong Wai is a 7-meters long installation suspended from the ceiling, featuring an array of multiple exit signs pointing in opposite directions. Accompanied by a performance, the exit signs are gazed at with ritualistic movements, serving as a reminder of both potential danger and rescue.

The work drew inspiration from EXIT / Materialien zum Dachau-Projekt (1972) by Jochen Gerz, where the existence of emergency exits at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site was scrutinized in light of the stark reality that those who endured suffering in the concentration camp had no means of escape.

The performance takes place within the framework of the collaborative project If the Berlin Wind Blows My Flag. Art and Internationalism Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall.